Being deeply concerned about the crisis and predicament of modern man, and being inspired by the vision and ideal of a dynamic alternative in the field of education which can develop the individual into the fullness of his intellectual and spiritual nature, Prof. V. Madhusudan Reddy placed before the Mother the idea of founding a Sri Aurobindo Institute of Humanities at Hyderabad.
Immediately came her benedictory answer. She chose her own name for the institute:
“Institute of Human Study”. She then gave it a special symbol. She also blessed the proposal of a quarterly journal for the institute, and named it ‘New Race’. The Mother, in a rare gesture of Her abundant Grace, accepted to be the Permanent Honorary President of the Institute.
The new online editions are available in
To promote the study of all human problems in the light of an all-comprehensive high consciousness.
To study the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who envisage a new evolutionary consciousness.
To organize education at each level in a manner that ensures the emergence of the soul as the ruler of the human personality.
To organize centers of meditation , study circles, discussion groups, libraries and to establish schools for the progressive realization of these objectives.
To organize regional, national and international seminars and conferences for the promotion of these objectives.
To print, publish, sell and distribute books, periodicals, bulletins, journals and other literature for the promotion of these objectives of the society and in furtherance there of to produce, distribute and exhibit films etc.