Consciousness Stores :
Consciousness Stores makes available books by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother; books on their works and compilations by other authors. Books from SABDA (Sri Aurobindo Book Division of Ashram). Publications of the Institute of Human Study, SACAR and a few other spiritual organisations are available. Books in Telugu on these spiritual subjects can be found. Products from Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville, and Auroshikha such as incense sticks, candles, artifacts, perfumes, scented oils, lamps, gifts, etc. can be ordered.

Products Available in the stores :
(Note Down the Product Code and in the end fill the form)

Auroshikha Candles
Pack of three Rs175/-

Auroshikha Bigsize
Candle Rs125/-

Cottage – Ball
Candle Rs60/-

Cottage – Square
Candle Rs75/-

Auroshikha Festive
Glass Candle Rs95/-

Auroshikha Candle
Pack of 5 Rs220/-

Auroshikha Aditi incense
10gms Rs21/-

Auroshikha Aditi incense
50gms Rs78/-

Auroshikha Lavendar
50gms Rs110/-

Auroshikha Mantra
10gms Rs31/-

10gms Rs30/-

Auroshikha Basilic incense
50gms Rs120/-

Auroshikha Long
incense Rs40/-

Nirvana 10gms Rs32/-

Auroshikha Real
Rose 10gms Rs30/-

Cottage Cones

Mosquito Repellant
50gms Rs100/-

Mosquito Repellant
100gms Rs200/-

Cottage – Jasmine
100gms Rs 275/-

Cottage – Jasmine
50gms Rs132/-

Cottage – Musk
100gms Rs275/-

Cottage – Musk
50gms Rs132/-

Cottage – Sandalwood
100gms Rs350/-

Cottage – Rose
50gms Rs132/-

Cottage – Amber
50gms Rs132/-

Cottage – Ketaki
100gms Rs275/-

Cottage – Ketaki
50gms Rs132/-

Cottage – Parijat
50gms Rs132/-

Cottage – Myrrh
50gms Rs132/-

Auroshikha Floral
100gms Rs110/-

Auroshikha French Perfume 50gms Rs100/-


Auroshikha Soap
Pack of 3 Rs100/-

Cottage – Devotion

Bath Scrub Rs70/-

Bath Scrub Rs210/-
Perfumes and Oils

Auroshikha Resins
Pack of Four Rs150/-

Auroshikha Basil
NE Oil Rs176/-

Bergamot NE Oil Rs570/-

Gifts and Other

Please fill the form for Specific Requirement with the code and quantity details :
Note : Minimum Order of Rs300/- should be placed. The total amount payable will be subject to the courier charges.