Aurodarshan Trust came into existence on April 4, 1981. It was a dream vision of Prof. Madhusudan Reddy. He wanted to build “an academy of seeker-souls with a spiritual focus”. When this dream was presented to the Mother, she approved the name: “Sri Aurobindo Darshan: The University of Tomorrow” and blessed it on 7-8-72.
Situated in Medak district, Telangana, this place wants to be a Resource Centre for the locals and neighboring villages for their overall development based on Sri Aurobindo and Mother’s inspirational teachings and philosophy.
Ø Aurodarshan to be a place of retreat for inner reflection, self awareness, self-expression and self-development.
Ø A Centre which will support in bringing awareness about careers, counseling, facilitate skill development. It conducts online courses reaching out digitally.
Ø To be a place of education with spiritual intent and aspiration.
Ø Organize Youth Camps and skill development workshops in nearby colleges, schools and other institutions, provide a Library fully equipped with resources and material on Career Development. Also there is a collection of Sri Aurobindo’s and The Mother’s books.
Ø Teacher training programmes in Integral Education for the nearby institutions
Ø Adopt nearby schools and provide inputs on Integral Education
Ø Organize out bound training programmes for corporate employees to enhance their awareness and consciousness with simulations and talks.
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